Protecting your Teeth
Nightguards are custom-fitted plastic appliances that are worn over the teeth to protect them from damage due to clenching or grinding (a condition called bruxism). Most often this occurs during sleep and can go unnoticed for years. If these conditions are left unattended, they can eventually result in serious damage to the teeth that require extensive restoration procedures to repair.
A nightguard appliance is carefully designed to protect your teeth as well as help relax skeletal-facial muscles to prevent fatigue or pain. Dr. McDonald will closely monitor your results and ability to wear your appliance to ensure you get as much benefit as possible from your treatment.
Nightguards (or biteguards) are sometimes recommended as part of muscle-joint therapy to treat dysfunctional joint movement. Read more about TMJ/TMD services
As part of your complete dental examination, we will evaluate both jaw joints (TMJ) and each tooth surface to observe for signs of teeth grinding or clenching. If you "catch yourself" grinding your teeth or clenching or are experiencing discomfort, please bring this to our attention so that we can develop a treatment plan to help keep your teeth and jaw joints healthy and pain-free.
Contact Us with your questions about Nightguards. |
Leanne McDonald, DMD, MAGD is a General Dentist located in Butler, Alabama. We proudly serve patients in the west Alabama and east Mississippi area, including Choctaw and surrounding counties, Tuscaloosa and Meridian.
© Leanne L. McDonald, DMD, MAGD
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