Dental Implants
Dental Implants are tiny metal cylinders that act as structural replacements for the root portion of lost teeth. They are often the preferred approach to replace a single missing tooth rather than a traditional dental bridge, which involves preparation of supporting teeth that may be otherwise healthy.
Once in place, a dental implant is restored with a crown to create a natural-looking tooth. They are fast-becoming the ideal anchors for dentures, patients that struggle with loose or ill-fitting dentures frequently benefit from the additional support offered by dental implants.
Dr. McDonald places dental implants in the comfort of her Butler dental office. As part of the implant planning process, Dr. McDonald will share her findings and treatment plan with dental specialists and our dental laboratory to coordinate implant placement and restoration. By communicating in this manner with your team of dental providers, you can often leave after your appointment with natural-looking temporary teeth.
If you are missing a tooth or wear dentures, you should consider dental implants. Contact us today to schedule a personal consultation with Dr. McDonald to find out if dental implants are right for you. |
Leanne McDonald, DMD, MAGD is a General Dentist located in Butler, Alabama. We proudly serve patients in the west Alabama and east Mississippi area, including Choctaw and surrounding counties, Tuscaloosa and Meridian.
© Leanne L. McDonald, DMD, MAGD
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